Terminology for inductive sensors   OPTIMUM Sensors Automation

150 C-High

Temperature switches


Inductive compact devices for ambient temperatures up to 150 C, for applications fush and non-flush, built in with hi standards materials.


Technical concepts to consider:


Analog Input Module: An I/O module that contains circuits that convert analog dc input signals to digital values that can be manipulated by the processor. By implication, these analog inputs are usually direct (i.e., a data table value directly reflects the analog signal value).


Analog Output Module: An I/O module that contains circuits that output an analog dc signal proportional to a digital value transferred to the module from the processor. By implication, these analog outputs are usually direct (i.e., a data table value directly controls the analog signal value).


Grounding: The intentional connection of sections of an electrical circuit to a common reference conductor called the ground. The ground is almost always at a potential of zero volts and serves as the reference for the other voltages in the circuit.


Hertz (Hz.): A unit of measurement that measures how often a periodic event, such as a waveform, occurs. One hertz equals one cycle per second. Frequency is often measured in kilohertz (KHz, 1000Hz), megahertz (MHz, 1000 KHz), gigahertz (GHz, 1000MHz), or terahertz (THz, 1000 GHz).


Redundancy: The capacity to switch from primary equipment to standby equipment automatically without affecting the process under control. Relay Ladder Logic


* Electrical diagram pnp and npn outputs


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